Deborah Attoinese is an award winning director, producer and writer.
Originally from New York, Deborah began her career as a self-taught
fashion photographer. Her signature style has appeared in the pages of
Conde Nast Publications, The Sunday New York Times, Details Magazine
and more. Her work has been shown on Netflix, CineMax and Showtime and include: Hollywood Pictures, Tri-Star Pictures, Curb Entertainment and Bill Kenwright Productions among others.
Her first short film, RUNNING OUT OF GRACE quickly garnered the
attention of Propaganda Films and Deborah relocated to Los Angeles
where she wrote and directed her first full length feature film; ZOE with
co-writer Amy Dawes.
A film festival favorite ZOE screened throughout the USA and abroad including the: AFI, Palm Springs, Santa Barbara, Taos and the Mar Del Plata Film festivals.
ON DIRECTING, Deborah's full length documentary takes an in-depth look
at the filmmakers journey of self-discovery from the point-of-view of "life reflecting art' features iconic directors Agnes Varda, Bille Auguste, Roland Joffe and Wim Wenders is currently available on
SNAIL, Deborah's a whimsical romantic comedy which features Brendan Hunt and Yvonne Zima premiered at the Palm Springs International Shortfest and was awarded Best Short Film at the Broad Humor Film Festival. It also won a San Francisco Film Award of Excellence and more...
Deborah's short film GIRL KNIGHT stars two talented newcomers;
Darla Lewis and Pilar Petropolous-White. The film was completed after a
successful Kickstarter (Staff Pick) campaign and then selected to participate as an Indiewire Project of the week.
Currently in the works is LADY LIBERTY an original digital series and PLAYING WITH FIRE a feature documentary that deals with the
on going sexual harassment and gender discrimination that has plagued the U.S. National Parks and Forest Service for years.
Forever passionate about world and environmental issues, Deborah
donates her film making skills to several causes including THE PEACE PROJECT in Los Angeles which she received an Inspiration Award.
To see more of Deborah's PHOTO work pls. go to

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